customer care contact number, help line support phone number, consumer care corner number, email website office address, product servicing centers, call center phone numbers, company financial details The Company profile, Contact numbers, Contact Address, and services offers is a Private Sector Organisation that offers services in Advertising/Event Mgmt/ PR/MR with Annual Total Turnover of 0-10 Crs and with Employee
Website : Head Office , Company Details, Financial Details Head Office Address
90 “Brindavan”
Bengaluru /Bangalore : 560094
Karnataka ,India . Phone Number : (80) 42061434
FOSS.IN, previously known as Linux Bangalore, was an annual free and open source software (FOSS) conference, held in Bangalore, India from 2001 to 2012. From 2001 to 2004, it was known as Linux Bangalore, before it took on a new name and wider focus. During its lifetime, it was one of the largest [citation needed] FOSS events in Asia, with participants from around the world. It focused on the technical and software side of FOSS, encouraging development and contribution to FOSS projects from India. The event was held every year in late November or early December Financial Details Information
No of Employees – 10 to 50
Turnover in Crs – 0-10 Crs
Sector- Private Sector is a Private Sector Organisation that offers services in Advertising/Event Mgmt/ PR/MR with Annual Total Turnover of 0-10 Crs and with Employee Strength of 10 to 50. is a Private Sector Organisation that offers services in Advertising/Event Mgmt/ PR/MR with Annual Total Turnover of 0-10 Crs and with Employee
Website : Head Office , Company Details, Financial Details Head Office Address

Bengaluru /Bangalore : 560094
Karnataka ,India . Phone Number : (80) 42061434
FOSS.IN, previously known as Linux Bangalore, was an annual free and open source software (FOSS) conference, held in Bangalore, India from 2001 to 2012. From 2001 to 2004, it was known as Linux Bangalore, before it took on a new name and wider focus. During its lifetime, it was one of the largest [citation needed] FOSS events in Asia, with participants from around the world. It focused on the technical and software side of FOSS, encouraging development and contribution to FOSS projects from India. The event was held every year in late November or early December Financial Details Information
No of Employees – 10 to 50
Turnover in Crs – 0-10 Crs
Sector- Private Sector is a Private Sector Organisation that offers services in Advertising/Event Mgmt/ PR/MR with Annual Total Turnover of 0-10 Crs and with Employee Strength of 10 to 50.